Saturday 26 September 2009

Lecture on 25/09/09

Yesterdays lecture was really interesting, especially the part with eating Starburst. As soon as the lecture was over a few of us from graphics tried it out and it worked, what was really strange is that when I ate one I could of sworn that i was eating strawberry which are the worst flavour and turns out it was green which is the flavour I like the most. So looking at the colour of something really does make us believe in anything in the context such as red for strawberry flavoured sweets. It is what we subconsciously make ourselves think, it made me think after doing this experiment that we ourselves are deceiving ourselves, our eyes and minds are tricking us. We are easily influenced. This also goes with the idea of communication and the Chinese whispers game that when we loose part of the original message and we hear what is later passed on we think about what it is and connect it with what the word or phrase would remind us of and think of that instead, regarding if it is actually the correct phrase or not. Hope the way I have explained this makes sense as I understand it but others may not.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

The Lost Symbol

Right now I am taking a 5 minute break from reading my new book. I am reading the new Dan Brown book, The Lost Symbol. I enjoyed the last two books of Robert Langdon but thought that they were written too easily, as though they were written for 5 year old, but am enjoying this story a lot more and am getting more into this book as well. It is most likely that this book will eventually be made into a film as well so hope it will be better than the last two. Angels and Demons was a decent film but The Da Vinci code was a complete let down of a movie. So now I am away to read a bit more then will start on some work for tomorrows class.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Lecture on 18/09/09

Had first lecture in Design Studies yesterday, really enjoyed it and was something different. Is more a class I feel can take something away from than being taught from classes and traditional lectures. Had CAD class in the afternoon and the brief is to create a website, really liked the brief and think it is going to be a really good class too. Now it is Saturday night and I am sitting with the other half watching the X Factor (depressing I know), but am making up for it with a nice, cold, refreshing pint of Guinness, and about to put on some microwave popcorn, AWESOME.