Thursday 23 September 2010

Assignment 1

Last week on Wednesday 15th September we had our first lecture of design studies for the year. It was here that our first assignment was explained to us and that this would lead into our dissertation topics. A big difference this year for the assignments is that this time we have been put into groups mixed with students from other courses, unlike last year where we were in groups within the same course. The first thing that we were to do was locate the groups we were all assigned to, mine being group 17.

The first task we had to do was to plan to meet up with the other members of our group where we would discuss and pick topics to write an essay in the style of a wiki entry. We all exchanged numbers and emails and planned to meet the following day in the canteen just after lunch. This being a bit more quiet and out of the way of any ones classes. I looked over the list of topics given to us the night before to see what would be best suited to me.

Once we all met up we sat down and discussed what topics we had chosen and why we thought we were best suited to them. We also did this to make sure that no one else wanted to do the same topic.

The topic I chose to do was Branding and Design. This is mainly because I would like to one day make this one of my main lines of work. It has always interested me from when I started my NQ year back in college and also because we are currently doing a branding project. I find the project slightly frustrating since we are working in groups of 3 but still think this was the topic for me.

This is the list of what everyone in group 17 chose:

Bio-sphere/techno-sphere Andrew
Branding Nicholas
Celebrity Liam
Craft Helen
Education Yunhee
Environmental sustainability Sarah
Fair trade Charlotte
Interactivity Jarred
Resource depletion Amy