Thursday 20 January 2011

Assignment 1.2 Semester 2

The second part of this was to guess the scores of all the members in our groups then discuss them with each other, finding out if we were right or not. For the majority of us, we all in general made the right guesses and there were some that we found quite surprising.

There were points after we revealed our own results that we would say that we thought you would have been more of this than that, everyone had an area where we discussed this. There were even points during the discussion where we would say of how surprised we were of our own results, thinking before we took the questionnaire that we would be more this than that and that we would disagree with them. In the end we all agree with the results of our learning skills.

The dominant areas in our group are in the Activist and Reflector modes and that most of us had low for Theorist. We found out that some of us had similar results, and I would agree as during past meetings we have all spoken about our views and ideas, and all understand each other's as we all pretty much have the same ones.

Even though we are all quite practical people, being at an art college, we have all been very surprised just how low we all were in the Pragmatist mode and talked about how we can improve upon this. We all need to be aware on the areas we are most weakest in and need to work together to do so, we need to think, take time, and apply this mode of learning and thinking for our future assignments.

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