The plot of the show follows that of a notorious gangster Nucky Thompson, also the treasurer of Atlantic City, and how he manipulates and does business with people. I don't know what it is about gangster films and shows, but as a guy I can only say I love them, there is something that is just suave and sophisticated about the. Need I remind anyone of The Godfather films and Goodfellas? I do not know a single person who doesn't like these films. Can you think of anyone?
Anyway, after watching the pilot episode I have to say it is one of the best things on television I have seen in a while, I was already hooked after the first episode. The story-line and acting were fantastic, and what made matters better was that the godfather of gangster films, Martin Scorsese, directs and produces this. This is a very stylish set piece set in 1920's Prohibition. The clothes, sets and music all add to the atmosphere of the time.
I wouldn't say this is a program for only guys,but think women would enjoy it too. My mum liked this, though did complain about the swearing as well as a few of the scenes in the show, but I think that's just a mum thing, they all do it.
Last night I watched the second episode, and can't wait to see the rest. This is a series I can tell I am going to really enjoy. I am also looking forward to seeing the show Mad Men, as I have heard pretty good things about this too.
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