Friday 11 February 2011

Good Creative Feedback

As a change to the usual projects we get at uni, we have been tasked by an actual design company to design a logo and packaging for a children's natural soft drink, Kate's Fruit Potions. The company that has provided us with this task is Good Creative. Due to the Director (Keith Forbes) of the company being ill, he was unavailable to assign us the brief in person, so it was up to Phil and Gordon to do their best to inform us on what was required.

We were to produce our research and work in the form of advanced mood-boards to show Keith Forbes on Tuesday 8th February and explain where we wanted to take our designs in further development. I have to say that the Friday before this was slightly unfair as our class were all getting moaned a good talking too about not having completed such boards yet. The bizarre thing about this though was that no one had told us to produce any boards for this date as people were still working on initial ideas to produce for the meeting. And will say that a lot of people were getting stressed out due to this situation and I know it put my confidence in the project down a bit.

So over the weekend everyone did their boards and on the Tuesday we all spoke to Keith and his associate about our ideas. I actually enjoyed talking to them, even though they said my idea was good, they said that it didn't go with what they expected of the product, but did this in a way that didn't put me down or make me doubt my abilities in my work. It was also here that they said I should continue with one of my original ideas, which they thought was more natural and fun, a design I was told to avoid by my tutors, but one I would of preferred to do. So now I am currently working on the logo design I originally intended to do. This does resemble a logo design I did in college, by this I mean that it is making an image out of cool, funky type from the 1960's. I wanted to do this design as I enjoy doing stuff like this, and believe it is playground cool for boys and girls to drink.

I am looking forward to showing Keith my final design and took what feedback he gave me and applied it to my design.

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