Tuesday 1 December 2009

Assignment 4C

For this final part of the assignments I am have looked back on how I tackled the previous ones and will mention areas that I would go back and look at again and ways I would do them differently or if there would be anything that I would improve the way I had previously done it.

What I would have done for looking at journals would have been to open my search a bit more instead of looking at mainly the one topic, I could have compared the journals I used in my report to other methods of advertising as well as how other diseases are advertised and how they are different from STI campaigns and whether they are more effective or not, I would also in this area have looked at a few more similar journals so that I had more of a varied opinion from other authors.

When I thought about the articles I do think now that it may have helped if I had done my own personal research into this, by this I could have actually gone to a doctors or hospital and taken some of the leaflets available to see what information is available and would also have asked if I could have asked a few of the nurses and doctors on their thoughts of how affective they think they are, this way I could have compared the authors results with the results I would have collected. I would have also done the same for sites on the Internet and done the same method by typing into Google, Yahoo and others, again comparing both of the results.

When I was reading my second journal I did agree with what the author said about how much teenager know very little of sexually transmitted diseases as I remember when we were being taught about it at school and we were only taught the very basics of a disease and were shown a 20 minute video that was about ten years dated and was very uncomfortable to watch but would disagree with the author when as they believed more that it should be schools and the government who should teach them to be aware of STI's more, but I feel that this should be done everywhere, mainly on TV.

What I did for looking at these journals, I found them on cross search but would try to widen my research by looking at not only the university library but also at public libraries, even though I did look for books in the university library I struggled to find any books on the subject so that was why I had done two journals. Even asking class and family members on how much they knew may have helped as well. I would do that to see how much adults knew about STI's as well as I felt that the second journal was being very one sided saying teenagers didn't know as much about it as adults, instead of just assuming that all adults knew about them, this was the impressions I got from the article.

A final technique I would possibly have done would to have done a mind map as I did this in previous assignment and thought it had helped a great deal but for some reason it didn't even occur to me to do this, but I will know to do it for the next time. What I did think was helpful was printing off the articles and highlighting the key factors of them, this allowed me to quickly and easily find an item I was looking for without having to read it over and over again.

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