Friday 4 December 2009

The Death of Books?

Today I am going to blog about the latest in Sony technology and how they have developed a new form of reading books, with the Sony Book Reader.
I for one am all in support of new exciting technology and do see the beneficial side of having these in the place of books but since I read a lot of books there is nothing really like reading from actual paper, in my personal opinion it makes the book tell a story in a deeper way by reading it from paper rather than a screen where you have to scroll down instead of turning a page, is more personal.

Another benefit from reading an actual book is that you can read for as you want without hurting your eyes whereas with the book reader it will be like a computer screen and you will have to stop after a while as it could be dangerous to your site if you do not keep having breaks when reading a story. and could be annoying when you get to a really gripping part of it.

A major problem I see happening with the book readers are that they will seem more cold to use, by this I mean when we go looking for a book we tend to look at the books cover as this will help show what part of the story is about, it created an atmosphere and depending on who well it has been done would give someone an impulse to at least look at it, where the reader would most likely seem boring, even though it could look stylish it still wouldn't feel the seem to read such a flat two dimensional object, an actual book seems more practical by turning the pages than from scrolling down which is good for a computer and Ipod etc but do not think it would work so well for a book devise. It is similar to art, you do not get impressed by looking at say the Mona Lisa on a screen but you are in awe by looking at the actual artwork, this is what I think of books.

I don't know how much thought has been put into these but think that the design process of it has not properly thought out, I think that this devise has been made more so that the company can say look at what we have made now, so now you have to but it. Possibly people who are obsessed with technology will buy it as a way to encourage them to read more books but apart from that I don't think it will really over take picking up an actual book and reading that.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Nick, I am one for technology also but I think I'd rather prefer a good old book at the end of the day. However, like the ipod, it is a good piece of equipment to have for people who are constantly commuting or on their travels :)
