Saturday 6 February 2010

Assignment 1B and 1C

For this assignment we were told before the Christmas holidays to take photographs of either our lives growing up or of our home so for this I ended up taking pictures of my room as this is the place where I do of my work and is the place that is my own and personal, unlike the rest of the house which is obviously my parents home and this would not best describe who I am and what I am like. The person I swapped with was Kyle who like me had taken photographs of his room and with these I had to analyze his interests, influences, possessions and environment.

What I saw from Kyle from looking at all of the items in his room was,

A passion for music

Organized in his own way

Into film and t.v



Likes to relax by himself

Doesn't care what people would think of him


Prefers to think alone away from others

Sense of humour

Doesn't like to show off

Has a great interest in course

Doesn't feel the need to express himself

Is reliable

Prefers to keep out of others way

Maybe a little bit lazy

Proud of things he has achieved

Has a contrast between fact and fiction

Kyle is really into his music as seen by the turntable he has along with his guitar, hi fi and old records in his room and has a really good taste bands from the posters on his wall suggesting that he may have gone to some concerts and brought them back to a memorabilia or may have also just seen them while shopping and just picked them up, the type of music I would say kyle is into is more rock and possibly alternative rock but also think that he may just respect most types of music.
Looking at his shelves I saw a few Dragonball Z action figures still in the box so this could suggest that he is a bit of a collector and keeps things that would remind him of his childhood and things that he was really into, this also shows that he maybe a slight geek ( I say that in a very nice way as I am the same) as well as some of the films and books he has which tell me that he likes fictional films that have special effects, action and comedy but in books he reads they are more on factual topics for his course and may not like to read fantasy books.

From the book Kyle has I say that people who have influenced him the most for his course is mainly Stephan Sagmeister, but because I did not see any photo's in his room that he possibly may have been influenced in his course as he found it more interesting and followed in something that he alone found enjoyable.
When looking at the room again I saw that there was a plate and glasses in his room which could say that he prefers to work on his own away from everyone so that he can think and reflect without anyone there to say anything, so this could also say that he influences himself as well.
The DCA bag that is on the floor can also mean that he likes to go to places where he knows he can find inspiration and find out more of what he prefers to look at telling himself the kind of person he is.

His room is slightly cluttered, this could mostly be due to the size of his room as it is quite small and the bed takes up most of the room, but his desk area says that yes it is cluttered but he knows where everything is, this could be because he may be slightly lazy but has things left about for a purpose so he will not loose anything and is simpler for him to pick things up when he needs it right there and then.
This could also be that Kyle is a very relaxed person, his laptop is on his bed could mean this is where he prefers to work, he can just lie back, work on projects, listen to music and not have to move around a lot.

Other things I have noticed about Kyle are that from the clutter in his room he does like to spend time on his own, he may well go out with his friends but at times just prefers to stay in and have some alone time and let the world pass by where he can do things that he wants to do instead.
I think that when Kyle speaks to people the main topic may be about music or film etc rather than politics or events that have happened on the news, maybe does keep to himself but may prefer this as he doesn't care about what people think about him, what you see is what you get is what he may be to other people.
I think Kyle wants to do well but would rather do it all on his own instead of asking or accepting help, this could be to prove to himself that he can do it, he may also find that what he does at university enjoyable otherwise he may of changed subject, he may well be doing it because it is something he thinks will be more of a passion than a job one day.

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