Monday 8 February 2010

Assignment 1D

Here is the final part of the photo analysis where we had to tell the other person on we thought of each other from the photographs, I was actually surprised at how accurate Kyle was about me, He said such things as:

"From the way you've taken the photos, too me it seems clear you are extremely into your 'things' such as books and DVDs. you seem very organized and neat. i think you like to know where everything is at all times. Which then might be transferred into your personality as well? (I'm just thinking out loud here.) For example you might be a very organized person when you go traveling and know exactly how the trip is going to be and where you will go, and know the things you will see. Also could mean you are good with time management and planning. You seem to have a wide range in movies which might mean you appreciate movies of all kinds. maybe you are into something else other than just the outline of the story. e.g directing/acting/editing. and you might think of DVDs as books as a collection of yours. so they might be pretty important items.

Also seen you have a few games consoles out, neatly as well. And also having more than one controller. maybe you find the best way to socialize with people is through games/movies?

Although at the same time. i don't know if it seems you spend a lot of time in your room? unless you are just extremely neat, there doesn't seem to be a lot of signs of things happening. no plates, nothing left out from something you might of been doing. so maybe you are pretty busy at the moment and haven't had a lot of time to be in your room just relaxing?"

This is mostly true, except for that fact that I am not at home a lot of the time. I do however like to be organized so I have control over things such as projects and yes I know exactly what to do when I go on holiday or on a trip, this means I can relax as soon as when I get to a destination.
I am a really big movie fan, I would say half of my DVD collection is mainly Christmas and birthday presents, but if I see something I like that's a decent price I will buy it.
I would say that the consoles are out neatly but this is mainly due to me not playing them lately and would say this is because of uni work and also because I have been doing a lot of overtime at work as well.

From my analysis of Kyle he said I was pretty much spot on, this is what he said about my analysis:

most of that is correct. obviously I'm really into music. sadly. i forgot to take photos of my graphic novel collection. so only thing missed was the part about the books. since i only showed you the ones to do with the course.
I am really into having my own space. and doing work there and relaxing there. i think i would prefer to live on my own as well.

And yeah! I have tried to explain that too everyone when they comment on my mess in my room. and they say something like 'how can you find anything in this mess' and I'm like, 'easy, cause this is how i want it to be and i know where everything is.' or like, when i was living at home and my sister/mom got tired of my mess. they would clean it up a bit. but then i just got confused, since i couldn't find anything... even though they were a lot more organized then before.

I think this was a good part of the assignment overall as it gave an insight of what other people outside of our friend zone would think of our personality type.

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