Thursday 4 March 2010

Assignment 3A and B

For our third assignment this semester we were to continue reading through the module handbook where we were to choose a location to go to to observe people in the place we went to on their behaviours and attitudes. we were also to do this in groups so that we could discuss what we all thought and compare our findings. The place that we decided to go was the Mecca Bingo in the town center.

I will admit that I was a bit nervous about going at first as normally you associate this sort of activity for women as this is who its target audience is aimed at in advertising, but when we got there I saw that plenty of men were heading in on their own. When we went inside at the reception we all had to register and become members to actually play and thought that all of us that were becoming new members were sort of pushed aside while those who were already members were getting the main priority of getting in first. I noticed that once some of us had got our membership cards that the guy at the desk was looking at every ones cards then calling them by their first name. This was probably to create a friendly sense of atmosphere. Another thing I thought was peculiar was when one of the regular members came up to the desk and asked for some glasses and the man brought out a whole box of specs to let her choose from.

Once we had bought our numbers for the first few games ( I just followed what everyone else was getting and got the 80p game and got a dabber to mark the numbers with) we walked through a small gambling area filled with puggy machines then into the main hall which was pretty silent at first because everyone was listening to the number caller calling out the numbers.

Now we were all seated and had to wait for the game to begin and just before it started the caller gave out a welcoming hello then announced which game was to be played next. I was very nervous at this point as I had no idea of how to play bingo and did not realize that the number were all in columns so after six or seven numbers had been called I was actually given tips on how it was done. Still this was not enough as because I was so far behind with the rules compared to everyone else and when I got a line I called out 'house' then another 'HOUSE' just to be heard but sadly my winnings were taken from me as I had already missed not only the first line but the second and everyone was waiting for the whole set of numbers to be filled in.

It was at this point I realized I was never going to win at this game.

Once we had finished this game we all either got a drink or something to eat, me being on the irn bru as I had the car with me. We then had to wait what felt like a long time as the girls had bought another few rounds to play, I think this was another six games they had left.

I think at this point because me and some of the other guys had not bought anything for the next games we were getting a little boards but those who did buy them were getting well into the spirit of things, especially when Karen won her two games and everyone screamed with excitement. Then it was time for us to go and wait till the next day to discuss what we had all noted.

Most of the things we talked about in our discussion were more or less the same. What we all talked about was that there was a varied age range in the bingo hall. Not the stereotyped retired cranky old women who's life lives, breathes and eat bingo but their were young, middle aged and elderly men and women their either on their own to pass the time and have a bit of fun or in a pair or small group to spend time with friends and family members.

There was a very tense atmosphere with a lot of concentration on the numbers, everyone hoping to win ready to shout out 'HOUSE', everyone was silent, but when someone did call it out suddenly the room was full of talk. Most people seemed to be of working class and came to the bingo to also let off some steam and relax a bit and win some money for a bit of fun.

There was a women who sat at a table next to us who was paying the game a reading a magazine at the same time. Something that we all couldn't believe because we all had to concentrate so hard and she was doing with such ease.

Everyone was dressed in casual clothes as well such as jean, jogger, t-shirts and shirts, nothing fancy. The staff all wore their matching uniforms to it was easy to identify who they were, even if some of them didn't know their on name or the fact they had a name badge after a very funny incident.

Someone had mentioned that the whole experience of being at the bingo made them feel like they were at a caravan holiday park, most likely due to the atmosphere and the look of the bingo hall, which was pretty bright and colourful. Someone else had also mentioned that they thought even in the bingo the whole place was aimed at women, this bright attractive colours, the posters on the walls, even in the men's toilets they used more advertising aimed at women. This is probably why bingo is so stereotyped.

The hall was a bit spaced out, not a lot of people sat near anyone, probably to get some peace to play, and we noticed that when the advertise it to be a place were you have fun socializing with your friends we saw that no one was really speaking to each other, but maybe people prefer to do this in their own way.

We all got very confused as no of us had any idea of what game was currently being played at that time, as the speakers were talking very fast. We also noticed that the rules weren't explained at all which is quite difficult if you are someone playing for the first time like all of us were. Even in the pack we all received there was no information on the rules. I think they should do something to improve upon this.

I think that the behavior of people is kept to a strict guideline, where you need to keep focus, quiet and ignore others around you. I would say this could be uncomfortable for someone like me but when observing others, well they must like it and it appeared that there would be no other way to play the game, as I think this could ruin the experience of the game.

All in all I thought it was not too bad a night. I am not too sure if I would go back personally, but if I did, it would be in a group about the size we went in last night as I wouldn't go back if it were me and a couple of friends. I would however recommend others going but not during a week night, as when I walked past thing bingo on Saturday night I saw that it was a lot more busy than the night we all went. What advise I would give them would be to learn the rules before hand, and do not have any alcoholic drink before hand as they would need to keep their brains about them.

1 comment:

  1. Okay - so go back to the Bourdieu reading where he talks about people not going to museums or galleries because they don't know "how to behave" - does this ring true of your experience of playing bingo? Would you go again? Would you recommend anyone else to go, and how would you advise them to behave?
