Saturday 13 March 2010

Tea and Coffee Packaging

The other day when I was showing off my portfolio to a friend who asked me to design an album cover for his band I was looking at a packaging project I had done for my Graded Unit back in HND at college. The Graded Unit was built up of four different projects made simply out of a title that we all had to choose one from. The one I chose was "Commitment to Grow" and with this we could do anything that we wanted to do. What I decided to do was create tea and coffee packages for a new company who grow organic foods.

Why did I do this? simply because I had never done this before and thought I could have a lot of fun with it. The idea was originally a brochure for a baby trust fund package for the bank or a package for a nursery. I had even come up with an idea with something to do with plants before I came up with the tea and coffee idea.

This got me onto thinking about packaging and went back onto the DieLine website which I have used as a great influence ever since HNC as I find that all of most of the packaging very interesting and unique and even looks that the people who designed them even had fun coming up with the design. It was now from this that I was looking at more tea and coffee packaging on the site.

When I was looking at the various forms of packaging I came across a very fun and clever design that was made for coffee. The name of this was called Rise and is in my opinion aimed at young teenager starting to drink coffee as it has been designed using a comic style with a comic character that is a zombie. It even has a coffee flavoured chewing gum with it. Again I would say this is for it being aimed at a young audience. I think this is all very clever and would actually like to see this on the supermarket shelves.

The very top image is the packages I did for the Graded Unit and the other two are for the coffee Rise.

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