Wednesday 27 October 2010

assignment 3

A few days ago I met up with the members of my seminar group to discuss what topics we were all thinking about doing for our dissertations. Here we listened to each others ideas and all gave a few suggestions on how to improve upon their topic. The following were notes I had taken down of what people are wanting to do, (these are just quick notes):

Helen - Empathy and design. Helen is interested in the relationship people have with objects. The emotional attachments, family heirlooms, and how they are passed down.

Jarred - Consumer culture, how computer and phone apps have changed the way in which we buy things.

Yunhee - Looking at the perspectives of cultures in design, comparing countries and how each will vary from the other.

Andrew - Continuing on his wiki topic on Biosphere. How psychology can manipulate biology, how do people feel comfortable with it. Bionic arms.

Sarah - Urban cities, making buildings sustainable. Can designing an office block reduce the affects.

The topic I am interested in doing is typography. I would like to go into the evolution of how type was used before and after the computer and software came along, and hope to expand a question from this. I originally wanted to do something with branding but feel I could provide a lot more on this.

It was also today that we attended the Dissertation Workshop in Mono at the Dundee Union. Here we sat with our groups and did various exercises to help us narrow down our chosen topic, I found this helpful and interesting as it gave more insight of what I am required to do for my own dissertation.

Above is evidence of our team meeting, the workshop and my mind map. On my mind map I also have film as I thought it would of been good to look into how design is treated within the film industry, but decided against this as well as I felt it was too broad and in the end this did not appeal to me, so I then look at the area of graphic design and what stood out for me the most was typography so wanted to look more into this. This is what I would like to do and this is what I would like to out forward, either to narrow it down or expand on it further.

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