Wednesday 20 October 2010


For the first project in graphics this year our class were to team up into groups of three for a three week project. The project brief was to create something that would encourage people to come back to the high street, something that was original and appealing and would involve and hands on experience for the customer. We were to produce all of our work in a pdf format to be sent to the design company Wolf Ollins who were the ones who came up with the brief.

The other members of my team were Karen and Kyle and we wanted to come up with something that was new and fresh, what was missing? After some careful consideration we decided to go with the idea of a healthy fast food service and develop our idea from there. The name of our service was very difficult to think of as at first we didn't know what we wanted to include in our restaurant. It was only after many various names and suggestions that we came up with the name Youdo, and was later shortened to Yudo so it would seem more like a place you would see on the high street and somewhere you would know made good quality food.

The following is taken from the actual pdf and describes exactly what Yudo is:

"With today’s busy lifestyles it is not always easy to eat healthily, especially whilst on the go.

Microwave meals and fast-food outlets often serve as easy alternatives to locally produced, wholesome food. Not only are we turning to these options as handy alternatives, many members of the public don’t feel confident with their cooking abilities therefore opt out of making something from scratch.

Yudo is the first ‘do it yourself’ experience in the area of food expertise. At Yudo restaurants, customers pick their own ingredients, prepare their own dishes and indulge in their own culinary creation.

Yudo aims, not only to create a unique hands on experience, but also to educate the public along the way. Customers have the opportunity to learn where their ingredients come from as well as picking up some valuable culinary skills and several top cooking tips!

Whether you are taking a quick lunch break from the office, are a health fanatic or on a family day out Yudo provides something for everyone. Customers have the option to sit in or take their tasty meal away.

Our tag line may be ‘You do, so we don’t have to’, but that doesn’t mean that the customers are left entirely on their own. In each Yudo food outlet there are trained chefs whose job is to help the ‘do it yourself’ process run smoothly."

Throughout the pdf we showed what produce we used, what the store would look like, the poster and t.v. campaigns we were using for Yudo, and all the promotional items we made for in the store.

The other purpose of this brief was to work as a team, see what our strengths and weaknesses are, how well did we work together? These sort of things. I will admit that I really did not like this project to start off with, I found along with everyone else that it was difficult to work in a group of three. If two of us were agreed on something and the other didn't like an idea we would have to rethink what we were doing. I found this very frustrating as I just wanted to stick with an idea that the majority of us thought was strong instead of having to rethink everything, but later did realize the importance of this as I don't think we may have come up with as strong as an idea as what we have done. I know the other members found it difficult to work with each other too as we all have our own different ways of working, so this was a big step for all of us.

I do think that on this project I should have done a little bit more. There were times where I should have spoken up when speaking to tutors about this idea and what we were doing and this is something I really have to work on if I am to succeed in the industry. We all did have our different tasks to do for the pdf, someone would work on the logo specifications, the produce, another would work on the adverts, posters etc. we all did do our part for that. Other times I found it frustrating were when we would all sit down and not say anything and one person would say "come on guys what you thinking?" I found it hard to think in the studio, and felt rushed into thinking of something but realize that others may have felt this too and that we always backtracking, there was always someone who wanted to step back, do something completely different from this idea. It was only once we started the adverts and the pdf that I began to enjoy the project as we now knew what we were doing and just go on with it and worked better as a team at this point.

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