Saturday 14 November 2009


This afternoon I went to see the new disaster film 2012, the next big budget end of the world film from director Roland Emmerich. Previous films this man had made are famously Stargate, Independence Day, and The Patriot which are three very good films, and the not so good, The Day After Tomorrow and 10,000 B.C. which in my honest opinion was one of the worst films I have ever seen, know idea what was going in the film makers head when he was writing the script for this film, must have been a lapse of judgement.

So back to 2012, well this is a film that the plot is based on the prediction by the ancient Mayan civilization from thousands of years ago that the world will end on the 21st December 2012, which is a legend that is commonly misinterpreted as this they say is a prediction on the Mayan calendar but in truth is is actually believed to be because when the civilization died out and they only reached up to the year 2012 on the calendar so they wouldn't of been able to add to it, so this is the reason why people can misinterpret it being the end of the world.

The story of the film takes place mostly around the family of John Cusack who is trying to save his two children and ex wife from joining the rest of the world in certain death. There are many other main characters who all in the end seem to of had at least some involvement with each other and their separate journeys into the path of survival or death.

The obvious aspect of the film is of course the CGI which is nearly in every part of the film, but honestly, a film like this really needs to be over powered with over the top computer affects as it could be done no other way. This was part of what made the film good for me, the effect were no doubt amazing, accept at one death towards the end, and just gave the film a great amount of atmosphere and awe which got you hooked on the film and never really gave it a dull or boring moment, which was a change from all the yawning scenes you normally get in disaster movies, you didn't want to look away because you didn't want to miss a single moment of the film in case you missed the next big bit with a capital city being destroyed in such an over the top way.

This film is made purposefully to not be about a story but to entertain and being cheesy and over the top, it is made for all ages who just want to go and see an all out disaster movie that delivers, and this does deliver, it does what is meant to do, what it says on the tin. It takes on a plot that is mind boggling and ridiculous that just seems to work to me, and think it will appeal to most, maybe not to the critics but I don't think that will really matter and the public will say whether it is good or not.

The issues the film does take on are family issues, what would a father do to save his family, to make you realize what strength you never knew you had, also the biggest and obvious one being the end of the world and what would our leaders do if they knew it was coming, would they tell us? would they rather we die surprised without fear and panic, what would we ourselves do in that kind of situation, would we cause anarchy, who knows, I suppose we will just have to find out. This is why I like the teaser trailer for the film where it said what would your government do if they knew the end of the world was coming........... nothing, which is basically what they do already by hiding things from us.

All in all I would heavily recommend this film to all my friends as I was heavily entertained all the way throughout the film, and was not bored at any moment, and was surprised that it went on for as long as it did as I thought I had only been in the cinema for 90 minutes.

I hope you found this blog very useful and hope you will go and see this film and comment on whether you liked it or not.

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