Thursday 26 November 2009

The Hobbit

When I was writing the previous blog I mentioned The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, and this got me thinking about one of my favourite books of all time, The Hobbit or There and Back Again. This is the book I can never get tired of reading more than once, it never gets boring, even though I know all the characters and have read it over and over not for a few years admittedly but it never gets dull or repetitive, seems like a new story every time I read it, which is mostly the reason of why I probably read it over and over, the magic of the book never dies which is why to me it is such a special book me, it reminds me of when I was younger, it was the book that got me into reading as I used to hate it so much and never even picked up a book simply because I thought it was boring and would rather have watched the television instead, but when my mum got me this book as I had to read a book for class to draw a picture for it I had never been so captivated, I had never wanted to keep reading page after page before, it was and still to this day one of the best books I have ever read and I do not really care that it is a children's book.

Before I read this book I was aware of the story of Lord of the Rings as I had the original cartoon on video but never knew that there was a book before it and never knew that that itself was a trilogy of books, which after I read the Hobbit had to read The Fellowship of the Ring, which I got for my seventh birthday and was surprised just how different it was, at how more grown up it was, the language used and the whole style to me at the time had completely changed and I was reading a whole new set of books. I did however take me a few years to get through all three of them as I was a slow reader and at first couldn't understand them a lot of the time but still I kept at it and still managed to enjoy the story.

The Hobbit is a story of a little hobbit called Bilbo Baggins, who live in his house under the hill of Bagend in the town of hobbitton, and won day a tall wizard, Gandalf the Grey goes past Bagend and through some trickery persuades Bilbo to join him and a company of dwarfs on an adventure of a lifetime to the Lonely Mountains to work as an accomplice and given that task of the burglar of the group so that they can reclaim the treasure that the dragon Smaug has kept hidden by his side for so long. Along the way they encounter three trolls, Beorn ( a man who can turn into a bear) goblins, Elrond and the elves of Rivendale and Mirkwood, and even an encounter with the creature Gollum where Bilbo acquires a ring that can turn him invisible as set the course for the future all before the reach there final destination and the treasure that awaits.

What I really enjoy about the story is that it is so full of magic and adventure and just how you wish you were actually in the book traveling with all of these characters, I was extremely upset when I found out Balin had later been killed in The Fellowship of the Ring during a battle in the Mines of Moria, was devastated. there was just so much that went on in the book that you wanted to know more about it and all involved in it, that to me is the sign of a truly great and wonderful book.

When it was announced that the trilogy was about to be released into films I was ever so excited and jut could wait for them to come out. It was even better that these films were released just a few days after my birthday taking me back to when I got the first book on my seventh and again was sad that when The Return of the King was released and after I had walked out of the cinema, realized what I was I going to look forward to every year now. But now I am waiting for the Hobbit to be made into film, which is scheduled to be released for 2011, and am so glad it is being split into two films so now they can get in everything from the book along with added features that could explain where Gandalf went when he left the group for some time.

I assure you that I will be seeing this film when it comes out.

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