Tuesday 24 November 2009


Well we are now a month away from that time of the year, that which I speak about is Christmas, December 25th, we all know the date, not a single person on the planet doesn't know when Christmas is, it is impossible not to notice it, it is everywhere, and to be honest it is getting more and more annoying how early it is starting every year. It is no longer a holiday that we cherish anymore, it has become a necessity.

I work in Sainsbury's and what really got on my nerves was that we started stacking shelves for Christmas in the beginning of October, at the same time as the Halloween stock came in and before the fireworks, it was unbelievable, it was sickening to be honest, it is supermarkets and stores just cashing in on this occasion only for the sole purpose to increase their profits, along with getting people to spend more and more cash and cheat people out of their money without them even realizing it.

For me I try not to think about Christmas as early as that, I tend to think about it closer to December, so right about now to be honest, this gives me time to think about what I am getting people and allow myself enough time to buy them, or Christmas for me is mostly beginning when I first see the Coca Cola advert, then the time for getting excited is really coming, that is when it all begins for me, non of this months and months before it.

A few little traditions I have on the day are obviously like everyone else opening presents, and you are a liar if you say you don't get excited about that so don't deny it, I also tend to watch ever since it came out on VHS, I know VHS, shocking, The Muppet Christmas Carol, the best Christmas film to ever be made without a question, along with Miracle on 34th Street (both of them) and It's a Wonderful Life, they are the classics that I cannot wait for year after year, I have to watch them, but only on Christmas as this makes the actual day seem a bit more special. Then there is my favourite part of the day, the meal. We normally have two starters, prawn cocktail followed by homemade soup (the best soup in my opinion), then we start on the actual main course, before we have a selection of 3 deserts, Trifle, Christmas pudding or ice cream, followed a yearly argument from the grandparents, ah special times indeed.

This year I am really looking forward to Christmas as this year I am going to the Dundee Rep to see this years Christmas Panto, this years one happens to be A Christmas Carol, so I have to watch it on both days. I have not been to a Panto since I started the cubs when I was about 9 years old, so I am really looking forward to reliving a part of my childhood. CANNOT WAIT, is going to be amazing this year. So Merry Christmas for this year as I will most likely forget to mention it closer to the time and because I am writing this so am Mentioning it now.

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