Wednesday 21 October 2009


I have just been looking on the BBC website and Yahoo news to see what the latest headlines are tonight and am quite frankly shocked at the fact that the BBC have given the go ahead to let the British National Party (BNP) leader Nick Griffin to appear on Question Time tomorrow night. This is an absolute joke that this should happen. The only reason the BBC are allowing this is because of ratings, that is all they care about, the amount of anger and hatred this is going to create will be staggering as this is the most hated party in the country, even more than Labour which is saying a lot at the moment.

The BNP, who they were even allowed to be a political party in the first place, are the biggest disgrace in British history. Even though I am Scottish and love my country we are as a whole still the United Kingdom and to let people like these to have a say in how the country is run is a disgrace to Britain as a whole. These people who say the are patriots to our country are so narrow minded they are to most of the public a sham on every single person who lives in the UK, they are what is giving us all a bad name, making us seem like cold hearted, racist, ignorant people in the world, it also makes us look like snobs.

Deep down I do believe that there are those in the BNP party who have good reasons for the policies the party stands for but have gone about it the wrong way but most of them are just what some people would just call scum. I was very glad to hear the other week that the BNP have been forced to rethink their policies into allowing non whites into their circle but to be honest who would want to, just to be in the company of such people makes me feel sick, as well as anyone who is not white would be out casted by the party.

I will say that I will be watching Nick Griffin on BBC Question Time but only to see how the presenters talk to him and what they will be asking and arguing about. I really do hope that they run that man and his policies to the ground. I think this will be the reason most people will be watching it for. It will be interesting to see if he will be cornered on any questions and if he will be lost for words, but knowing the BBC this will most likely be in favour of him as they are a broadcast channel that are very good to sucking up and being in favour in anyone the are interviewing at the time.

Another thing that will be interesting to see will be the amount of demonstrators that will appear outside the BBC building against him being there and doing what they can to not let him through. I am with these people but do hope they demonstrate with respect, even though I do believe they were right to egg him outside Parliament a few months back.

Another reason I think the BBC are doing this only for the ratings is because of the amount of complaints that have been sent to the BBC to cancel his appearance on the show, as he will be doing all in his power to sway as many people as they can to their vote.

I think that this party is trying to brainwash our country into believing their policies, and they themselves are like terrorists, and how they would sway others for something that they believe is right but is in so many more ways very wrong.

When I read more into Thursday nights show I saw that there will be an increase of security to prevent any harm to the leader, (what for I will never know) which will also cost more time and money, (which will be a lot) for the safety of one of the most hated men in Britain.

This is my personal opinion of what I think of the BNP which I think I have expressed quiet clearly, I will be keeping up to date with any further news in the next few weeks about the situation and how they are to improve the policies. The have compared Generals of Britain to Nazi officers, but I would say is that it is them who are more like the Nazi's above anyone else, as their policies are more like the policies Hitler had back when he was in power and we all know how that ended up. Do we really want anything like that to happen again? I think not.

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