Friday 2 October 2009

Design In the Age of Knowledge Experience and Terror

Today we had a Lecture from the Dean of DOJ, and today was talking about what design can do and what it is made to do, also it was the whole thinking of what design is. I have to agree that design today as we see it is not a big thinking area. A lot of people think so small and create restrictions on who and what they should influence and create. This is a problem with design as we can't really say that there has been anything extremely big in recent year, the most recent being the Apple Ipod products, which have used everything about design on how to use it, the look, how it works, who it appeals to, what it includes etc. This along with a few things have been the biggest design projects in recent years. It has become more of a way that we think we don't need to have big design ideas anymore because it has all been done before but it hasn't, all we need to do as designers is broaden our minds and let our imaginations flow with potential thoughts, only then will we think on a big scale, a scale that could make on impact on modern society as we know it.

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