Friday 23 October 2009

Question Time

Last night I watched as I said, Question Time which had Nick Griffin appearing on it. Well as I said would happen did happen, Nick Griffin was lost for words at a few of the questions given to him and answered in what I would say were verging on riddles, which did not do him any justice. The main problem he had last night was him trying to justify his beliefs and policies but all of these were meet with boos and cheers of hatred and anger by the audience.

What really had me gob smacked was when asked about the Ku Klux Klan and referred to a video of him which included him and one of their leaders basically agreeing with the beliefs of the KKK, which is a disgrace to to Britain and to every other culture that exists on this planet, showing me as well as the rest of the population just how narrow minded and pathetic the BNP are.

What I thought was very funny last night was when he spoke about the KKK he said that the people he spoke with were non violent, that MR GRIFFIN makes no difference what so ever, it is who the are and what they stand for that is the problem. Another problem I had with him was whenever a member of the audience had insulted him he laughed and clapped his hands, this was most likely to say that he wasn't bothered about what was said but really think it was just by the way he did this, you could just tell by the look of his eyes that he was angry someone that was not white was speaking to him like this. I was at this point applauding the audience for their comments and questions, who all seemed to be more intelligent than half the panel that was on the show last night.

A point that I agreed with last night was the statements made by the American journalist (if I remember correctly) especially when she said that we ourselves are immigrants from Europe and that through the ages we have mixed blood and expressed how in some cultures older than ours such as the Romans classified anyone into their empire, anyone could be roman and it wouldn't matter what race or sex they were, to them we were all basically the same.

Next is on Jack Straw who yes I think is a good politician but sadly he was not convincing me of anything last night, all I thought he was doing was answering questions with another question and bringing up old stories of what labour had done decades ago, all I thought about that was, we are living in the now, not the then and this is something that the leaders of our country and everyone in a political party need to understand, we cannot move forward until they realise this and live for the present and future and not dwindle of the past.

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