Sunday 4 October 2009

The Genius of Charles Darwin

Tonight I have been watching the channel 4 episodes about the thoughts and findings of the evolutionist Charles Darwin. It is one of a three part show that goes into where the idea of evolution came from, what it is and what it means.
In the first episode the host of the show Richard Dawkins tries to explain evolution to a small group of secondary school students, some who believe in evolution, and others who were raised to believe in a religion. Not to cause any argument on this topic, but it was during this part that I realized that religion is based on design, a design created by the human race that has been passed on for as long as we know and this has been a way of life we have always known. Religion is saying that the whole planet was designed by God, an all powerful being, and that the human body itself is a design God created. It is in Darwin's findings he discovered the idea of evolution and how evolution, unlike religion, is a lack of design. Evolution is not a choice, not an idea we can do anything about to control it, it is just there. I don't have anything against religion at all, and respect those who have a faith they strongly believe in, but I'm not entirely convinced in an idea that we have been designed by anyone or anything.

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