Thursday 29 October 2009

Rubik's Cube Meets the Pixel

Today I am going to being going on about an upcoming art that caught my eye just a few hours ago, the art I am on about is the art of the Rubik's Cube. This new form of art, is sweeping across the world and is encouraging more and more artists to take time and think about what it is they are doing.

This is a very complex and frustrating and very time consuming process, which I have no idea how long it would take to even think about how someone is even going to be able to manage creating an image with these things, I for one think it is very impressive, and what I like about it is that well it is different and very strange to actually look at. The artist who decides to create a masterpiece in this form is going to have to have a lot of patience as it must take a lot of time trying to all the squares in the right position to from the shape of the art the are making. I take my hat off the whoever does anything like this, well if I were wearing a hat just now.

This art reminds me of Andy Warhol's pop art that became such a big craze in the sixty's, and has a very retro look and feel about it, the exception is that it is more 3d looking because of the cube's and looks a lot like it has been done on the computer because of all the little squares that are being used to form the structure of the design. This is another reason i think this works really well, the fact that it can look computer generated but has been hand made, it is more the way artists used to think and create their art, instead of doing it on a flat screen that can at times look dull and boring, people are again thinking outside the box and having a more hands-on-approach to make the art a little bit more special and more appreciated to those in the world of art and those who do not normally have an interest in this sort of things can now look at these piece's of art and take time to reflect on it.

The art itself does not look at all impressive when you are standing right up close to it, it admittedly does look very block like and a mess, and does look like a child did it, and this is where the appeal of the image comes to take place when you begin to walk away from the piece and slowly it starts to take the form the artist had designed, it is sort of like an illusion of the work, and again also reminds me of the pixels from a computer and how it is all squares and you cannot identify what the image is supposed to be all about until you zoom away from it and it soon becomes clear what you are meant to be looking at.

There are a few images I am using to show you what I am on about, but remember that to see the true form of the image take a few steps back from the screen please.

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