Wednesday 21 October 2009

Politician, Angry, House

During our last lecture just before reading week, we were given a little bit of homework. We were given three different words that we had to connect and make an opinion or story about. So the three words I chose were Politician, Angry and House.

When I looked at these words it made me think of the most obvious thing about politicians, made me think about the current state that our country is in right now and how the entire population has been played by politicians who have taken money from the taxpayer and using it for their own personal benefits caring only for themselves. They have used this money given to them by those who also do not care, to make their lives better, paying to have new kitchens, new gardens, they use it to pay for the cleaning of their homes and other things to improve what they already have.

This is what makes me so angry that it is our money, our parents money and our friends money, and the worse part is that even though we have been given an apology from some politicians there are those who just won't, and what really makes me even more angry is that those who have said sorry but they aren't really sorry for what they have done but are only sorry that they all got caught.

I agree that everyone who took money should have to pay it back and it should all be payed back immediately rather than in small payment.

What is worse that this all goes up even higher than we thought, all the way up to 10 Downing street to the very house our own Prime Minister. If we cannot trust the person who is in charge of running our country then who can we really trust to guide our country to be better than what it should be, and this is the same with most politicians, we have all been conned.

Why should it be our money that has to improve another persons house, it is all a lie, everything we have been told. It is because of things like these that make me doubt Gordon Brown will be in charge after the next election. I personally do no think that he should be, and certainly Alistair Darling should definitely go as I think he is the worst out of the lot of them and is the most untrustworthy person in charge of the expenses of our county especially in its current state.

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