Monday 12 October 2009


And now back to the very project I had previously blogged about but have waited till it was finished to right about. It was to research a food and nutrient were given to look and study at. So quince, what is it? Well a quince is a cross between an apple and a pear, (the best explanation I could find was that all three are pommes), and it is grown mainly in the Mediterranean such as Greece and Turkey but is originally from countries such as Iran. The quince is believed to have been cultivated since times before the apple, and is believed that the apple in the genesis tale of Adam and Eve was actually a quince. Also in further study I discovered that in the tale of Troy when Prince Paris was chosen to judge a contest of who was the most beautiful goddess he awarded Aphrodite a quince as a reward. It is here that a quince is very important in the ancient world, as did you know that during this time period and possibly further on that in ancient Greece when a man and a women were to be married, the first time they would meet would have been when they were getting married, so to make the first kiss a most enjoyable experience the bride would bite into a quince to perfume her breath. I don't know if the man would do this, but i certainly hope so as back in those days they didn't have toothpaste. Further down the time period and more recently was back in the time of the Tudors, where quince was made into a paste and stamped to reveal the royal seal of the king, and was also quite a popular desert dish as well. Even today quince's are used all over the world, some areas more than others, especially in Germany where it is used as a drink for breakfast as well as many other things.
For my experimentation in this part I used inks for the acidic juice's contained within the fruit and I even cut out letters on rubbers to spell out the word quince so that this idea went with the Tudor seal theme.

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