Monday 12 October 2009


This blog is inspired by the Guinness entry as after I had written about that it made me think of my tattoo which just happens to be the Guinness Harp, (the Guinness Logo) and it made me think about tattoo's in general. It is easy to see why a lot of people do not like them, the are on your body for life, and I mean for life, there is no turning back once you get one unless you have the money for the laser treatment. So anyway a tattoo is forever, and you need to make the choice of a good one that you will be happy with for the rest of your life, which is where a lot of people make a really big mistake. To me there are three kinds of people who get tattoo's, those who get them to say they have one and too act cool in front of their friends and as an act of rebellion, these are mainly the people who regret getting them. Then there's people like me who actually find tattoo's to be a form of art, the body is a blank canvas waiting to be painted on, and the third kind of person who is into this are just crazy people who love pain.
It has to be said that yes, getting a tattoo is painful but what is an hour or a few for a artistic piece that you can pride for the rest of your life.

So far I only have the one but I hope that over the course of my life I will end up with either four or five of them, and unlike most will think long and hard of what I will have on my body, but to make them more personal I will design the rest of my tattoos myself.

As an explanation of why I chose a Guinness harp, I chose it for a number of reasons, first of all as stated in the previous blog I love drinking Guinness, the second reason is that as a designer and hopeful that I will one day go onto corporate identity, the harp is one of my favourite logo's, and the last reason is because I have Irish blood on my grandfathers side of the family. So these are the reasons and if nobody likes this tattoo well it is up to them but all Iask is if they have one and if they do, why did they get one?

The image on this blog is one of my favourite tattoos.

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