Monday 12 October 2009


Guinness in my personal opinion is the best ale that there has ever been, but saying that I have never drunk all the ales about, but of the ones I have tried this is by far the best. As you can probably tell I am a very big Guinness drinker, it is the only alcohol I can actually drink without with out feeling ill, and as a plus it is the best tasting too. It is very strange as when I had my first pint of Guinness I truly hated it and thought it was one of the worst things I had tasted, but after a trip to Dublin for a Tenacious D and Metallica concert I became addicted to the stuff, this is because it tastes completely different over in Ireland, it has a more creamy taste and a smooth texture, but when it is exported to another country some of the flavour evaporates and also part of the tin or barrel it is in will mix with the drink giving it another taste, but never the less is still a really good drink. So after Dublin I was hooked and have been drinking it ever since. A good thing about pouring a pint is that it is actually and possibly very sad, quite fun to do, watching the entire drink flow and blend together to give it its dark look with the lid on top, and is quite difficult to pour a perfect pint as I have discovered many a time but have now perfected this technique. For the best effect, hold at 45 degree angle and slightly twist while pouring it into the glass, the straighten it up and let it settle for a few seconds until the head begins to form, once this is done add the rest of the drink to the glass until the head rises above the glass giving it a sort of mushroom head, for the best taste leave it for a further 35 seconds. This is where you can taste the barley and the heaviness of the drink. It has also been proven that Guinness can be good for your heart as scientist discovered antioxidants found in the drink are similar to those found in fruits and vegetables and this can help lower cholesterol. Another interesting fact about it is that it is not actually a black drink in colour but is actually red that is extremely dark, once you hold it up to the light you can tell this. Below is a link to not only the funniest Guinness advert but possibly the best and funniest advert made, is quite rude so do not let children watch.

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